sustaining humans? the search for transformation of university .....
connections between soros ,fazle abed ,crow and botstein-all are founders of the coalition OSUN -open society university networking
- soros founded OSUN - open so ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Tuesday, December 31, 1974

chelsea clinton cgi columbia-,morehouse college, edinburgh 2021 event of the day 9 oct 2020 event of the day- Reinventing Civic Engagement with Chelsea Clinton and Up to Us/netimpact alumni on role young people can play reinventing civic engagement facing COVID-19 pandemic. 4:30pm ET cgi2021

previous clinton family zooms oct 2020 bill clinton expects minimum 8 more months covid - and even in a country like usa probably only half will have been vaccined by july 4 2021- and the vaccine like other flus may only be 95% functional

if thos means communties will be struggling everywhere for a few years - everyone who teaches youth needs to celebrate Q&A on  what do smes -small medium enterprises need ? this question as related to moores law promise of change through 100 times more computational tech  was first debated in the economist 1976 - see 

transparency note - as dad norman macrae launched the genre of entrepreneurial revolution with friends in japand and franciscans ike romano prodi- we've been searching how smes can leapfrog each decade as a main movement celebrating the un goals of 21st c youth as the first sd generation-ask if you would like to share a country by country review of where teachers and students are free to value community scaled sme business models essential to last mile services including your health more at www,

- story of cgi alumn aurora -my network of artisans made fashion goods artisans- thats not what families on a covid budget needed so wo needed to pivot to what consumrs needed to buy - program something special 35$ curated direct delivery- recalibrating change in channels - what happens when black community sees 40% business closing - what next with hope of community webs across the states

its important to see that if you have already succeeded with a digital business you can help many people understand what pivoting is...

-however i reflected on what having been in local fashion industry taught me- so many barriers to entry - continue to empowr missing channels to peoples creativity- database of 15% pledge 

===clinton goes deeper into debate -imagine if we have to wear masks for 2 more years

eg1 bill's case i studied if 2 local businesses could help each other eg our states most famous local barber and small eatery - their common problem in covid era -no space to social distance staff or custumer- million of examples of that

=more debates from bill clinton zoom 10/8 to come soon including with morehouse hbuc college atlanta and

kellogg/ford partnership- hows your fund working

irs requites we pay out 5% of our net assets

increasing payout 5 lead foundation - aditional 2 billion by increasing % of our asset payout - 300 mn added payot over next 2 years - focus community ngos

-rdistrbuting capital ngo/coomunity sector- bring people togeher to come back diffeently- structures that havent been working inclding healt- reimagine acces to capital

look at sustaining assets of commyunties

rose how can tech help where we are now- verizon sees tech as everything- it enabled aurora to repivot

7.5mn $ first 2 months helping small black buiness digitalise

mentorship artnershipexposure to supply chain- put tech as undergirding of their whole procees

integrating everything including old and new tech

coomunity investment act

if you take savings in community must make loans there

-on top of 100 mn $ continuous investment of verizon in community smes have to hustle connection between multiple nes their custmers will pay for

to graham - from morehouse to google - google maps helped us save lot of lives in haiti just because we could pick up their signnal

- how do we compare that now abnd extend aurora

-had to leavemorehouse early- curate class teashirt - instagram - 800 extras - know which tech to market which line;;; map different pathways from smallest to whee 5g can lead

auroa began fea market wth 3500 dollar

clinton 25th anniversary 2019 of being in community finance- why not every bank a desk into thos

-great video - is there transcript rreplay

aurora wants to find more black community women like me

 - birth of postcolvid local entrepreurs bringing new hope to old fight

piggy bank google scholar from morehouse

 zoom 10/8 2020

aurora 15% pledge - currently only 1% black america stocked- clinto arkasas stocking pledge - retailers need help find it

also arts produce network

grant at morehouse - helping start morehouse youth entreprenur fund- fayette n carolina- older brothers pointing me in right directoon - mentorship changed life - eventually work full time at google

but not everyone an play corporate game what about others at morehouse - creative in other ways- focus on arts 

question to june

how does your foundation help youth get ready for college- example philanthropy resources- voice make case kellogg foundation business case for racial equity - 8 trillion dollars lost by 2050 if we dont do it now- we hekped fund a southern credit union - looked at seed capital cgallendes detroit/norlean fund of colo with jp morgan- entrepreneurs of color fund

hypothesis america cant succeed unlees all our people have chance to succeed
aurora james
bennett now at google
rose kirk csr verizon partner cgi- verizon wants everyone to have opp to be patent inventor and big social solutios- particularly women, blach op to use 5g
clinton why no affordavble nationwide network

Join CGI U in partnership with Morehouse College on October 8 at 11:00am ET for important conversations with President Bill ClintonChelsea Clinton, and leading topic experts on strategies to build an inclusive economy, promote health equity, and support student leaders. 

The panels will be followed by an optional 30-minute breakout session on Zoom to network and engage with fellow CGI U community members and higher education professionals.
RSVP for Entrepreneurship & Equity
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For questions, comments, ideas, or concerns, please email our team at We look forward to seeing you this week!
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Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) is a program that supports students across the world who are committed to address pressing challenges.
New Yorkcgiu.orgJoined February 2011

CGI U’s Tweets

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We are excited to announce the recipients of the CGI U COVID-19 Student Action Fund — $100,000 of funding for 38 student projects addressing the global pandemic. Read the 's press release on these inspiring students who are taking action:

morehouse first cgi hbic zoom partnership
verizon contest announced entrepreneur accelerator

to aurora 15% pledge - retailers stock at least 15% us and arts commerce net
aurora --

morehouse first hbus zoom with cgi
announing verizon/cgi competition
thanking ibm /peterson too
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The Alliance for a Healthier Generation works with schools, youth-serving organizations, and businesses to create healthier communities where kids can thrive.
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Working with partners across the United States and around the world to create economic opportunity, improve public health, and inspire civic engagement.
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Mom of Charlotte, Aidan & Jasper, Married to Marc, Advocate, Author, Teacher,  &  & , New Yorker

we live in expert silo world where we needed expert connected world to serve last mile heroines - adapted paul farmer wish summit response t...