sustaining humans? the search for transformation of university .....
connections between soros ,fazle abed ,crow and botstein-all are founders of the coalition OSUN -open society university networking
- soros founded OSUN - open so ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Monday, December 31, 2001

ai for child safety -itu aiforgood

x From John Tanagho  to Everyone:  10:05 AM
On what Big tech is proposing to do better, see Project Protect announcement, with implementation being prepared:
And see the Voluntary Principles - the key is for everyone including governments and civil society to hold tech accountable to these promises - actions must follow:
From Marija Manojlovic  to Me, All Panelists:  10:30 AM
It is the End Violence Global Partnership/ Safe Online - here you can read more about our work
From Me to Everyone:  10:31 AM
From Danielle Alice Desanges Aucéane THIAM de GOGUENHEIM to Everyone:  10:31 AM
Thank you very much John.
From Marija Manojlovic  to Everyone:  10:31 AM
Thank you everyone for joining!
From Noelli Amancio to Everyone:  10:31 AM
Thank you very much! 
From Dushica Naumovska to Everyone:  10:31 AM
Thank you for a great and informative session! Dushica Naumovska, INHOPE 
From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:  10:32 AM
All the best important issue 
From Webinar Attendee to Everyone:  10:32 AM
Thank you for informative session indeed
From Danielle Alice Desanges Aucéane THIAM de GOGUENHEIM to Everyone:  10:32 AM
Thank to all the keynote speakers. We need to stand up and keep our children safe: they are the future of the world
From John Tanagho  to Everyone:  10:32 AM
Thank you everyone!  You are part of the solution!  Let's do this together!

x ai prevent child abuse world leadership king/queen sweden- previous keynote worldchildhood
john tanagho - ai slides -dir intl jusice mission to end kid exploitation dev world
-example ijm partemerd philipines gov

uk ecxaple safeto net

yalda bracket foundation
anecdote - we see security camera cctv can recginse car accident and alerts first responders -edu siftware to recogbise avcident

example ai and achine learning- 
we could could do this - ai could recogibes anythingon net which is streaming buse of kids

agian safetonet - soft can alert parents if child user is experiencing distress
iraki overall educator
uea has minster of ai!
over to abdulrahman
recall uae main 4 yearly platfor itu
very dgood abdul
online huge dta chalenge
3 area to consider ai-
1 calasfy new mateial
verify its exploitatio
identify perpetrtors- hash them
paet 2
dsrupt criminal activity

3 data children themselves generate

q what partbes doyou nee john - law agencies - train ai tool on datasets - only law can own the training data- need tech wizardparters porvate- two hat secutitypsrtner royal canadisan police - bultilt too ceaseai -diverse culturala -interpol ..
neiher sidean do on own

Neil Fairbrother 09:13 AM 
The EU’s proposed temporary derogation to the ePrivacy regulations makes the use of innovative new technolgies illegal. This will impact all new products and services, AI-based or otherwise, that are designed to find and eliminate CSAM material, across the EU and in the UK, assuming the regulations are passed before the end of the transition period. What can AI development companies do to ensure this new regulation is ammended to allow for innovation before it is passed?
Webinar Attendee 09:15 AM 
is there any certification for this AI
Chat and Q&A 09:19 AM 
Hello, certificates are not awarded for the webinar(s)
Webinar Attendee 09:18 AM 
how do we align and allow developing countries to actually achieve 'must do' attitude when they dont have basics in place?
Can we have an access for the recording of this meeting?
Chat and Q&A 09:29 AM 
Hello, yes the recording will be available on our website
Thank you for this!
Dr Grace Thomson 09:38 AM 
(I have a question-   For the training of the AI, would stock of such similar photos have to be used?  How do you regulate this? What is the source of this?)
John Tanagho  09:45 AM 
Good question.  The AI would be trained in collaboration with law enforcement because the tool needs to be trained on real CSAM photos and videos, and only law enforcement can lawfully possess those.  Two Hat Security did this with it's tool in partnership with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).  So it takes a private-public partnership.
Ana Rodriguez 09:39 AM 
Question to John Tanagho, how could you stop the creation of CSAM from the device? To do so wouldn't you have to be monitoring all material and then determine which is CSAM to "block" it? Wouldn't that be privacy invasive for users that are only using their phone and not creating CSAM?
John Tanagho  09:41 AM 
Hi Ana - great question.  The AI tool would only recognize and block CSAM.  So it would not "see" any other photos or videos someone creates on their phone.  Because the AI is trained on datasets of CSAM, it will only detect that content and block it.  It won't view or screen all your photos videos and livestreams.
Neil Fairbrother 09:48 AM 
PhotoDNA is excellent at what it does, but its weakness is that it relies on the fact that the abuse has happened - it’s a retrospective analysis of content, the abuse has already happened.
Varun VM 09:00 AM 
Since the pandemic, the reliance on AI based technologies has increased, especially in the education sector. The classes are delivered online and children are using mobiles, laptops etc for for education. This makes them more vulnerable to various activites such as exposure to adult content, interactions with anti-socials etc. How can we prevent this using AI? Precisely, how can AI be used to prevent cyber crime against children?
You 09:20 AM 
do you know of any country that has a 21st c minister of children - differentiated from minister of education- it seems you are raising issus on how all media is designed through communities not just the admin of schools ; indeed while real schools have been replaced by media this seems to be an opportunity to clarify sdgs need a minister of child
Chaim Shine 09:23 AM 
we are giving now mobile phones to village children in India.what would be the best routine for us to teach them how to use the internet mentioned so many organizations..which developed the best program for us to use and how to do it, is there a recommended routine.
Marija Manojlovic  09:44 AM 
there are some really interesting programs in India working on this issues you can partner with and learn from - is a really good group. I would also check on the local reporitng and vicitm support organizations and get in touch with them so you can provide local support and resrouces to children, teachers and caregivers.
Chaim Shine 09:23 AM 
Neil Fairbrother 09:26 AM 
Can AI be used to identify in real time the production of CSAM in encrypted live stream PPV & Direct CSA channels and then disrupt what the camera is seeing, so this material can’t be produced in the first place?
Sharon Pursey 09:29 AM 
SafeToNet is an AI company working to detect and filter harmful content like CSAM.  Can we discuss how we can train AI (like ours) given that it is illegal - how can we quickly collaborate to use this data to innovate?  This is a big barrier.
Neil Fairbrother 09:32 AM 
Grooming by definition makes people feel good. Can Ai be used to parse out grooming conversations on a smartphone from normal conversations? What factors about a grooming conversation should be looked for in a real time AI engine?
Marija Manojlovic  09:49 AM 
There are various clues being used - including the age difference and langugage patterns used by children as opposed to adults, the time between the first contact and the request for an image/nude… for now, the tools that are being used are largely used for evidencing on historical chats and not in real time, that is one of the big gaps…
Neil Fairbrother 09:50 AM 
Thanks Marija - I think to be truly effective the disruption needs to be in real time.
Marija Manojlovic  09:52 AM 
Agreed! This is particularly difficult and becoming even more so -due to E2EE chat apps… but it would certianly be a game changer… we are investing in some promising tools though our Safe Online work -
Chaim Shine 09:36 AM 
why arent we not talking to the mobile phone mannufacturers to put ai etectors  on the phones they sell...
John Tanagho  would like to answer this question live.
Sharon Pursey 09:49 AM 
We are talking to Samsung UK and Ireland about embedding our AI from SafeToNet.  Mobile phones should be “safe out of the box”
Webinar Attendee 09:41 AM 
What happens when global tech companies  make changes in response to organized citizenship advocating for certain rights, and by doing so negatively impact the most vulnerable? 

How could hierarchies for good be established to ensure safety and protection of children as a priority and not an afterthought? ie Facebook's plan for end-to-end encryption of Messaging service towards citizen privacy will impede law enforcement's tracking online abuse of children, in huge spike since pandemic as stated here. NOTE: 14 million out of 18.4 million reports of CSEM last year came from Facebook platform (the New York Times).
Ana Rodriguez 09:53 AM 
Thanks! That is great news, if you have any resources about this topic I would be grateful if you could share them
Neil Fairbrother 09:57 AM 
Does Section230 and equivalent legislations in other countries need to be at least ammended so that social media companies have a legal obligation to proactively search for CSAM?

abdul- being swamped by big tech close account and report not as useful as suspend and share with law enforecemt- us companies dont mine the data just ciculate at raw level

14=3 million dollar competition
announce 14 oct 2020marija moanojovic
From Neil Fairbrother to Everyone:  09:01 AM
Neil Fairbrother SafeToNet Foundation Londin

Thank you for joining today’s AI for Good webinar! Today’s session is on “Keeping our Children Safe with AI”, a partner session with the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI). Please feel free to use the chat function to message "all panelists" or "all panelists and attendees".
From Anthony Reidy to Everyone:  09:01 AM
Dublin, Ireland
From Bastiaan Quast (ITU) to Everyone:  09:01 AM
Joining from Geneva, Switzerland
From Erica Vidal to Everyone:  09:01 AM
From Neil Fairbrother to Everyone:  09:01 AM
Neil Fairbrother SafeToNet Foundation Londin
From Helen Meng to Everyone:  09:01 AM
Hong Kong
From Deepal Tewari to Everyone:  09:01 AM
Deepak Tewari- Lausanne 
From Abdulrahman Ahmed Altamimi to Everyone:  09:01 AM
From Me to All Panelists:  09:01 AM
wash dc
From Dushica Naumovska to Everyone:  09:01 AM
Amsterdam - Dushica from INHOPE
From Mellanie Olano to Everyone:  09:01 AM
philippines IJM
From Michael Jung to Everyone:  09:01 AM
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
From John Tanagho  to Everyone:  09:01 AM
From Wendy O'Brien to Everyone:  09:01 AM
From Alpha Bah to Everyone:  09:01 AM
From Kiran Heer to Everyone:  09:01 AM
England, UK
From Rey Bicol to Everyone:  09:01 AM
Manila, Philippines
From Hanna-Leena Laitinen to Everyone:  09:02 AM
From COLLIN DIMAKATSO MASHILE to Everyone:  09:03 AM
Pretoria, South Africa
From Me to Everyone:  09:04 AM near nih Bethesda 6 miles from white house!
From Chat and Q&A to Everyone:  09:10 AM
We are excited to welcome Joanna Rubenstein (President & CEO, World Childhood Foundation USA) today!
Thank you to Irakli Beridze (Head of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at UNICRI) for facilitating this session. 
From Me to Everyone:  09:11 AM
do you have a bookmark bio to Rubenstein and worldchildhood - its depth/origin in the multiple livesmatter communitied usa
From Danielle Alice Desanges Aucéane THIAM de GOGUENHEIM to Everyone:  09:14 AM
AI, has started to play a prominent part in child sexual abuse investigations, by helping to recognize, categorize and triage material. This technology is currently mostly used by law enforcement, however industry is now developing AI to recognize online child sexual abuse material.
From Danielle Alice Desanges Aucéane THIAM de GOGUENHEIM to Everyone:  09:21 AM
Thank you Joanna. 
From Chat and Q&A to Everyone:  09:25 AM
We are excited to welcome John Tanagho (Director of International Justice Mission’s END OSEC Center), Yalda Aoukar (President, Bracket Foundation), Abdulrahman Ahmed Altamimi (Director of the Child Protection Center, Ministry of Interior United Arab Emirates (UAE)), and Marija Manojlovic (Safe Online Lead, Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children)!
From John Tanagho  to Everyone:  09:28 AM
Great points Marija!  COVID-19 pandemic has increased the risk of online sexual exploitation of children.  Attendees wanting to learn more can find IJM's brief online:
From Danielle Alice Desanges Aucéane THIAM de GOGUENHEIM to Everyone:  09:33 AM
The scope of what AI can assist with in child sexual abuse investigations is huge. In the near future the hope is that AI will be able to analyze wider portions of data, images, ID, voice recognition...
From Dushica Naumovska to Everyone:  09:34 AM
Thank you Marija for mentioning the European Privacy Directive. We all should write to our MPs and make them aware of the need for tech companies to scan their platforms to identify known CSAM. 
From Danielle Alice Desanges Aucéane THIAM de GOGUENHEIM to Everyone:  09:38 AM
Completely agree John and thanks.

another challenge is perfecting things like face recognition. The algorithm reads mature faces better than young ones, which in the scope of child sexual offence and Victim ID needs to change.

From John Tanagho  to Everyone:  09:39 AM
Hello Sharon Pursey of SafeToNet!  
From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:  09:59 AM
The GSMA has course on Mobile and Child Abuse
We have incorporated into our  free online Internet Governance course a discussion of this topic
From John Tanagho  to Everyone:  09:59 AM
Great points, Yalda!  Big tech must do more.  IJM's OSEC study recommends that tech invest in improving proactive detection and robust reporting of these crimes.
From Dushica Naumovska to Everyone:  10:00 AM
We at INHOPE use AI to process CSAM reports submitted to internet hotlines and make sure they are removed from the internet
From Phillippa Biggs to Everyone:  10:01 AM
Thank you Yalda, for a very helpful run-through of some of the major company initiatives, super-helpful!
From Dushica Naumovska to Everyone:  10:02 AM
The Aviator project is using AI to help law enforcement process reports that they receive from NCMEC - they have received from tech companies. -
From John Tanagho  to Everyone:  10:05 AM
On what Big tech is proposing to do better, see Project Protect announcement, with implementation being prepared:
And see the Voluntary Principles - the key is for everyone including governments and civil society to hold tech accountable to these promises - actions must follow:
From Hanna-Leena Laitinen to Everyone:  10:06 AM
Hi all,thank you for the insights,really important discussion.We the Protect Children are part of Project Arachnid alliance using AI which I recommend all to check out: 

how help devcountries- john - yesits a glpbal crome - offendedrs inyernationally organised so need intl law enforcement collab- sharing referrals- been effective in philippines - 64% cases due to foreign referral
local law needs to build capacity



End Violence has launched its new Knowledge Platform, a place to explore the latest evidence, research and data critical to ending all forms of violence against children. All of the content on this page – which will be updated monthly – has been hand-picked by our team of data, evidence and learning specialists, and has been selected for its rigour and contribution to the field of violence prevention. The Knowledge Platform is curated by the End Violence Lab, a collaboration between End Violence and The University of Edinburgh.

The platform is divided into key sections, including Evidence for Policy, Evidence for Programmes, Resources, and Learn from our Partners, along with external knowledge platforms, otherwise known as Partner Resource Hubs. More on each of these sections can be found below.


Good policy for children should be based on, or informed by, rigorously established and objective evidence. Our Evidence for Policy section is proof that new knowledge, information, and innovations are being generated regularly. In order to keep our policymakers and senior leaders up-to-date, in this section we are selecting pieces that we feel will resonate with those in charge of determining the political (and ultimately practical) landscape across the world. Where documents are long, users may want to pull out sections and highlight the most significant measures. Use these as your advocacy tools.


Using the INSPIRE: Seven Strategies to End Violence Against Children as our guide, in this section, we feature inspiring evidence-based practice across the seven strategies and highlight some of the more innovative work in the field. These pieces include easy-to-read overviews for policymakers and practitioners. Where possible, we will link readers to the scientific publications or evaluation reports for those interested in the scientific process of inquiry used to measure impact.


The field of violence prevention is growing in unprecedented ways, and understanding how to approach that work can be overwhelming. In this section, we will provide some of the field’s best tools and resources around a particular subject area. These resources are designed to help a variety of stakeholders navigate choices and choose approaches that are the best fit for their national context.


The true engines of change in the field of violence prevention are the front-line national civil society organisations and non-governmental organisations committed to ending violence. In this section of the Knowledge Platform, we celebrate the work of our partners in the field. Learn more about the history and work of these organisations and read about how they have contributed to change through exciting case studies, reports and publications.

Nominate an organisation to feature on the Knowledge Platform
End Violence selects feature organisations by scanning diverse networks and sources. We welcome nominations for organisation to feature on the Knowledge Platform. Please email us at with a brief note on why an organisation should be featured.

Some criteria to consider:

  • National civil society organisations or non-governmental organisations, along with international collaboratives, can be nominated, but we will need to speak to nationals in the field to feature the organisation's work
  • Highlighted solutions (programmes, advocacy, etc. should be based on solid violence against children prevention aligning with INSPIRE
  • Programmes must be able to show evidence-based effectiveness
  • Pathfinding countries preferred

We reserve the right to accept or reject nominations.


Across the world, partners from the End Violence community and producing and collating high-quality data, evidence and research. In this section, End Violence has featured a select number of our partners’ knowledge platforms, all of which are rich with content, resources and materials to end violence against children. Explore these hubs to continue learning.

Access the Knowledge Platform and check back regularly for updates. 

for making a better tomorrow” Episode 1 – Spatiotemporal Algal Bloom Prediction using Deep Learning

We aim to build real-time algal bloom control system to help decision making on early algae suppression using ML-based prediction
– Topic 1: Extreme data imbalance
Input datasets are inherently very skewed since algal blooms are rarely observed.
How can we train ML models from extremely imbalanced water quality data?
– Topic 2: Broad target data
Target area is too broad to collect all datasets.
How can we estimate chlorophyll-a concentration for all target areas?



08 Oct 2020


 Geneva; 16:30-17:10, Seoul
09:30 - 10:10


Environment & climate change

uni disaster risk reduction

 Sangeetha Mohan 

10/13 itu question fottnoted

great tal adam fysh - hear are biggest unanswred questions in risk - how can ai help

This webinar will discuss the potential role of AI in reducing disaster risks in vulnerable countries and globally, and thus advance implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Sustainable Development Goals. It will examine how AI applications can support more efficient and effective decision-making across all stages of disaster management, from early warning and monitoring to disaster preparedness, emergency response and post-disaster recovery/relief.

There will be focus on how AI can help transform thinking and behaviour towards disaster prevention and contribute towards risk-informed, sustainable development and investments.

note which un subnetworks hold which master risk framework

constraints data sharing or model algorithm

Thats a nice initiative to have AI usage in the risk reduction and management process related to natural disasters. But do we have tight data security , data & AI ethics & compliance rules in place for its usage ?? Without stringent AI ethics in place, the adverse impact would be of much higher magnitude when this AI model is REACHED AT THE WROND HANDS, and leveraged to target specific areas of the planet and mimic & simulate the natural disasters and related risks. Its very important to ensure the AI ethics &data security and  governance measures in place as we are taking a huge dataset,the whole nature itself for this research study and implementation.

HUAWEI P20 lite 05:35 AM 

Will this data be free to access by everyone or Google is going to build just another business around them?

Sella Nevo 05:53 AM 

Great question. This information is provided for free and made publicly available. You can see current live alerts in But we're not only making our outputs publicly available but also the models themselves. For example, you can see some of our open-source models in this paper: We're dedicated to making life-saving technologies available to everyone in the world, for free.

jomon 05:14 AM 

How data collection for disaster prediction can be done without affecting privacy ?

Bilel Jamoussi 05:42 AM 

Significant amounts of data are NOT  Personally identifiable information (PII) - e.g., satellite images, telecom connectivty maps, hydrolic waterways, etc. This non PII data is critical in AI based DRR

Sangeetha Mohan 06:11 AM 

Here PII data would n't be an issue per say wrt the data security. But may be we would have to coin a new word say, location identifiable information for protecting the privacy and critical identifying details of a particular geography/ location.

Gautham Bejoy 05:18 AM 

will it be possible to make a robot which can use the idea of geolocation in rescuing people who get trapped beneath the soil during landslides?

Dr Keshav Mohan 05:23 AM 

How can AI capabilities and Big Data insights be applied to ensure educational rights to children particulary in prolonging disaster scenarios? Is there any   best examples for it currently  in the circumstances that education facilities are badly afftected most often during any disasters and that  SFDRR identified it as a core area for actions.

Dr Keshav Mohan 05:33 AM 

Sella Nevo: Is there any oppotunity for Enggineering students to partner with DRR inititives of Google?

Sella Nevo 06:00 AM 

Of course! I think the easiest way to collaborate closely is through internship positions. We've had multiple internships at Google Research where students were able to not only work at Google in the summer on projects unrelated to their academic work, but also work on academic projects that are of interest to both Google's humanitarian work and their adviser's interest, which I believe is a big win-win.

Dr Keshav Mohan 06:14 AM 

Thank you so much. Can you share links to contact by the students / faculty for the purpose.?

Sunil Prabhakar 05:34 AM 

Sella, do you have any studies on 2018 Kerala flood?

Saiful Ridwan 05:36 AM 

Question to @sella: Is the ML model applicable for cities where there many man made structures, both increasing and decreasing the flood impacts ? Are these dimensions factored in the model ?

Sella Nevo 05:55 AM 

This is an important point. As I tried to really briefly mention during the slides (sorry I didn't have time to get into it more), man-made structures are one of the more challenging factors to address at scale. We've partially begun to deal with these, taking into account dams and embankments, but there are still many man-made structures (particularly in cities like you've highlighted) which we still don't model. In areas where flooding patterns are significantly affected by such structures we do not (yet) launch our systems, rather than launching models which erroneously ignore them.

Saiful Ridwan 05:59 AM 

Thanks for the response. Appreciated.

Webinar Attendee 05:36 AM 

I missed the first part of the flood modelling presentation. What is the lead time?

Chat and Q&A 05:40 AM 

Hello, you may find a recording of the session after today on or

Webinar Attendee 05:54 AM 

Thanks a lot.

Anika Bijil 05:38 AM 

Well... I reside in the Middle East. And often flood alerts turn out  to be false. So... Can we possibly say that the AI used in not accurate enough?

Sreebala Ajith 05:39 AM 

Shall I get information regarding the Online/Offline courses  that  could be done in the field of Artificial Intelligence?

Dr Keshav Mohan 05:59 AM 

Coursera gives a number of courses. SNIT ADOOR has a campus agreement with coursera that you can do courses free and get certificate.

Sreebala Ajith 06:03 AM 

Thank you sir for the reply.

Vandana Yadav 05:40 AM 

Will the recording for this session be available later?

Chat and Q&A 05:41 AM 

Hello, you may find a recording of the session after today on or

Malek Jebaie 05:41 AM 

AMAZING Presnetation Sella !how can google data be used? Do we need to have sharing data agreement? or it is an open data ? and it is possible to have access to the  power point material ypu presented?

Sella Nevo 05:58 AM 

Hi Malek, thank you! All of our alerts are publicly available at If you need to automatically ingest our alerts, you can look for details on on ingesting Google Public Alerts through our programmatic APIs, or reach out to me and I'll connect you to the relevant people.

Malek Jebaie 06:02 AM 

Can i have your email please?

Webinar Attendee 05:42 AM 

are you monitoring the floods and rainfalls in Kerala?

Sella Nevo 06:05 AM 

In Kerala, we are not yet involved in producing the forecast itself (which is created by the Indian Central Water Commission), but we use our inundation models to identify who needs to be alerted, and use our distribution systems to make sure more people receive this information in a timely matter. We have only started working in Kerala a few months ago, so there's still a lot we want to do there which we're not yet doing.

Webinar Attendee 06:09 AM 

good to hear you are here, it'll be much helpful for the people if these technologies are with them.

Subhash Chandran 05:45 AM 

How challenging it would be for the AI research to predict the disasters in newly developed/developing cities/towns especialy at environmentally fragile zones ? As we have seen in the the recent years that the severity of the natural disasters has been aggravated by the poor city/town planning resulting in the loss of life and property. Hence, what should be the ideal strategy to integrate AI to the early stages of city planning?

Bilel Jamoussi 05:52 AM 

Please see the ITU publication on Disruptive technologies and their use in disaster risk reduction and management

Sunil Prabhakar 05:46 AM 

@ Preeti Banzal: AI used for Kerala and Chennai floods? Would you be able to provide more details on it?

This question has been answered live

Sunil Prabhakar 06:14 AM 

Requested for further details too

Vyshnavi Venu 05:59 AM 


Rudolf Dema 06:02 AM 

Thank you Yves for the fantastic presentation. Could you please provide the name of the african forum on the drone mapping

This question has been answered live

Yves Barthelemy  06:09 AM


Does speakers have presentations/slides available in order to better follow the discussion?

Joanna Batstone 05:52 AM 

I would be happy to provide my speech notes and references if that would be helpful too

Smitha Kallukadavil Mohandas 05:54 AM 

I need the links


Yes please, it would be great.


How can AI and digital technologies contribute to the performance management of a local government in disaster and emergency scenario?

Webinar Attendee 

Thanks for the presentation very on-point thus far. Excellent stuff.

Bilel Jamoussi 05:37 AM 

You are welcome. Thanks for joining!

Ajo Aloysius 05:12 AM 

Can you explain the assessment that is used to test the intelligence of a machine.

Bilel Jamoussi 05:45 AM 

Typically ML models are ran against test data sets to evaluate their accuracy; domain experts do the evaluation and feedback

Francesco Alesiani 05:16 AM 

How will Monash University provide access to dataset for research and validation?

Joanna Batstone 05:49 AM 

The  Victorian vegetation map I referenced can be found here -

Francesco Alesiani 05:51 AM 

thank you

Ashraf Bava 05:22 AM 

How people can benefit from the Toll edveloped by Monash university for Kerala?

Preeti Banzal 06:01 AM 

yes they are very well documented and available as public information. thx

Chat and Q&A 05:26 AM 

From Chitra Kumar: "Do Monash university coordinate with kerala Goverment about the findings of flood model prepared for the use of man kind"

Joanna Batstone 05:40 AM 

A nice summary of our work in Kerala can be found here -

Gagandeep Singh 05:39 AM 

Question directed to Sella Nevo: Have you worked on flash flood forecasting especially in the Northwestern Himalayan Region. Can you share some insights on the same. The India map shown in the 2nd last slide showed rivers of Uttarakhand (Ganges). What data sets is google using for flood warning?

Sella Nevo 06:03 AM 

Hi Gagandeep, thanks for the question. Our work currently focuses on riverine flooding, and we do not support flash flood warnings yet (we hope to work on this in the future). 

In our systems we use a wide range of in-situ measurements, satellite-based measurements, and weather models. In many of these we rely on the data and support of the governments we work with, including the Central Water Commission in India and the Bangladesh Water Development Board.

Md Afjal Hossain 05:41 AM 

May we receive the recording of this webinar?

Chat and Q&A 05:41 AM 

Hello, you may find a recording of the session after today on or

Dr. Arshad Khalafzai 05:41 AM 

Vulnerability: Physical exposure to the hazard risk, sensitivity of the impacts, and adaptive capacity (both perceived and material), inlcuding coping capacity, or resilience of individuals. So, adaptive capacity indicates long-term capacity or resilience as opposed to coping capacity, which is short-term capacity to deal with a hazardous event.

Krishna Neupane 05:42 AM 

Association of Disgtrict Coordination Committees of Nepal would like to invite Monach University for join action to research the Mountain climate and strategy for the mitigation of risk? please communicate : or

Gaurav Nemade 05:42 AM 

How can AI and ICT help in the reduction in the spread of epidemics (health disaster) and risk mapping in order to minimize its socio-economic implications?

Malek Jebaie 05:43 AM 

How can development countries benefit from AI applications if such countries have issues in data generating and centralization?

Dr Keshav Mohan 05:43 AM 

Preethi Banzal ji: Is there any best examples to cite whereby   AI  is applied ensuring  lastmile connectivity & early warning in India

Hareesh N A 05:48 AM 

Sella Nevo: The flood warning of Google indicates the risk areas of innundation and rising level of rivers nearby. But the perception of risk to a common man also needs to be broought in.What does a common man perceive the flood risk to be ? what actions needs to be done if the area is in danger? so will these be integrated in future ?

Sella Nevo 06:10 AM 

This is an excellent point. Translating the facts on the ground into risk, and conveying this risk to the general population is a major area of research for us, which we're doing in collaboration with Yale university and the World Bank. The information we produce is already addressing requests we receive from affected individuals on the ground based on multiple field surveys we've done, but there's still a lot of room for improvement.

Regarding actions that need to be taken - this is also a critically important point. We already provide recommended actions and safety tips below the forecast itself (not sure if it could be seen in the slides), but any action we recommend taking has to be approved and provided to us by the relevant government agency - so often updating these and making these tailored to the current situation can be challenging.

Francesco Alesiani 05:48 AM 

Would be possible have the references of the work from Sella Nevo?

Malek Jebaie 05:50 AM 

yes please

Sella Nevo 06:12 AM 


Here are the references that appeared in the slide deck:

We've published a lot more work that wasn't referenced in the slides, feel free to search for Google Flood Forecasting or ask about work you're particularly interested in here.

Francesco Alesiani 05:50 AM 

@ Preeti Banzal: how do foreseen interation of people with AI, in relation to the different languages?


Sir, what are the current technologies to predict natural disaster?

Massoud Hamad 05:53 AM 

@Yves, Can you talk this topic in the Context of Zanzibar

Krishna Neupane 05:59 AM 

Dear Yues, thank you for the wider range of information about Disaster and support of WB. I am urging WB through you to support Nepal on planning to the poor and vulnerable poeple living in unsafe high land which was wratched by divastating earth quake in 2015 and it is further risking by heaving rain after landslide. You can explore for the special research on this and my association which is umbralla of all 77 districts coordination Committees representating by elected local leaders. what is the possibility to work in this area using AI for good. It would be democratic approach for DRR in sub national Government level.

Jasmine Joseph 05:59 AM 

Heard that china is using AI for tracking and reporting Covid19 cases. How can a similar strategy be applied to economically challenged communities. Is there a way to use IoT devices which are cheap enough ..

Faith Amatika-Omondi 05:59 AM 

thank you so much for your presentation. could you kindly share more information about the project in Zanzibar and other parts where machine learning and AI has been involved?

Yves Barthelemy  06:06 AM

Anilkumar S 06:01 AM 

India has invested substantially in dams, how can AI be associated with dam management and safety?

Rajendra Kumar Agrawal 06:01 AM 

in this time of uncertainty and climate change how data can be standardized??

Joslin Jose 06:01 AM 

how can AI be used to assess climate change ?

Jum'atil Fajar 06:01 AM 

To Joanna - Do you have publications about your work in Indonesia?

Joanna Batstone 06:03 AM 

Monash has a number of projects underway in Indonesia - some examples are referenced in these two links -



Is Artificial Intelligence likely to become a subject of study in the future?

Anika Bijil 06:02 AM 

Sella: The more steep in the graph the more better. If the land itself is quite steep, won’t it affect the graphs?

Sella Nevo 06:14 AM 

Hi Anika, I'm not sure which graph you're referring to here. Are you referring to the graph comparing performance of the LSTM-based models to classic hydrologic models? Could you elaborate on the question?

Jaison. Kappil 06:05 AM 

my question is that, After the Corona period, do you plan to formulate any plan for the people of the world?

Krishnakumar k v 06:08 AM 

villages experiencing netconnectivity problems, how it can be solved?

Daniel Haltmeier 06:09 AM 

Several panelists have talked about satelite imagery analysis with the help of AI. However, this is a classical dual use problem and the exact same software could be used for military purposes. Is there a discussion of this point in the scientific community developing these technologies for disaster relief and if yes, could someone explain?

Egide Nijimbere 06:09 AM 

Although AI is growing up along with good and remarkable innovation, developing countries are still scared to incorporate them in their systems due to security threats. Is there a way of assuring them as natural disasters had became a world concern from which everyone have to contribute? Thanks

Dr Keshav Mohan 06:13 AM 

Thank you so much. Can you share links to contact by the students / faculty for the purpose.?

Krishna Neupane 05:59 AM 

Dear Yues, thank you for the wider range of information about Disaster and support of WB. I am urging WB through you to support Nepal on planning to the poor and vulnerable poeple living in unsafe high land which was wratched by divastating earth quake in 2015 and it is further risking by heaving rain after landslide. You can explore for the special research on this and my association which is umbralla of all 77 districts coordination Committees representating by elected local leaders. what is the possibility to work in this area using AI for good. It would be democratic approach for DRR in sub national Government level.

Jasmine Joseph 05:59 AM 

Heard that china is using AI for tracking and reporting Covid19 cases. How can a similar strategy be applied to economically challenged communities. Is there a way to use IoT devices which are cheap enough ..

Faith Amatika-Omondi 05:59 AM 

thank you so much for your presentation. could you kindly share more information about the project in Zanzibar and other parts where machine learning and AI has been involved?

Yves Barthelemy  06:06 AM

Anilkumar S 06:01 AM 

India has invested substantially in dams, how can AI be associated with dam management and safety?

Rajendra Kumar Agrawal 06:01 AM 

in this time of uncertainty and climate change how data can be standardized??

Joslin Jose 06:01 AM 

how can AI be used to assess climate change ?

Jum'atil Fajar 06:01 AM 

To Joanna - Do you have publications about your work in Indonesia?

Joanna Batstone 06:03 AM 

Monash has a number of projects underway in Indonesia - some examples are referenced in these two links -



Is Artificial Intelligence likely to become a subject of study in the future?

Anika Bijil 06:02 AM 

Sella: The more steep in the graph the more better. If the land itself is quite steep, won’t it affect the graphs?

Sella Nevo 06:14 AM 

Hi Anika, I'm not sure which graph you're referring to here. Are you referring to the graph comparing performance of the LSTM-based models to classic hydrologic models? Could you elaborate on the question?

Anika Bijil 06:21 AM 

Oh yes, the LSTM Graph.

Anika Bijil 06:22 AM 

In a quite sleepy hill, do you think the steepness would also affect the LSTM Graph?

Jaison. Kappil 06:05 AM 

my question is that, After the Corona period, do you plan to formulate any plan for the people of the world?

Krishnakumar k v 06:08 AM 

villages experiencing netconnectivity problems, how it can be solved?

Daniel Haltmeier 06:09 AM 

Several panelists have talked about satelite imagery analysis with the help of AI. However, this is a classical dual use problem and the exact same software could be used for military purposes. Is there a discussion of this point in the scientific community developing these technologies for disaster relief and if yes, could someone explain?

Egide Nijimbere 06:09 AM 

Although AI is growing up along with good and remarkable innovation, developing countries are still scared to incorporate them in their systems due to security threats. Is there a way of assuring them as natural disasters had became a world concern from which everyone have to contribute? Thanks

This question has been answered live

You 06:14 AM 

what is role of "global" professions in opening up top secret risk data to ai? i attended many professional risk summits debating the then big 5 accountants around 2000- every profession was hiding risk it knew most about- eg insurers dont publish what caused meltdown we need to minimise current liabilities not prevent reoccurence

Marc Liberati 06:15 AM 

As to Adam's final point on capital flows, is the next step in DRR embedding consensus risk models directly into monetary policy and allocation of investment capital for a green and risk reduced future in furtherance of the SDGs.

Adam Rowland Fysh 06:22 AM 

It can't be forced, but we can certainly  help them. We've heard plenty of development finance organizations, insurance companies and donors interested in global public good and taking portfolio approaches to investing in risk reduction and we'd like to help them with principles, tools and capacity building to make it easy for them.

Francesco Alesiani 06:16 AM 

@Fysh: how do you think AI could help in the Risk Reduction process?



Massoud Hamad 06:18 AM 

@Yves, I need to talk about this topic in the context of Zanzibar, please can you give me your mobile contact

Sreya Vaidyan 06:20 AM 

How can we empower urban local bodies and provide capacity building to the local government when we introduce AI?

Yves Barthelemy  06:25 AM 

maybe you can have a look at some of the blogs here: they could give you ideas on how to get started ?

Akhil Jose 06:21 AM 

Will the ML algorithm and API be available in public domain?

Egide Nijimbere 06:22 AM 

Agreed that collaboration, sharing experience and partnership is the most, but have think how this is going to be implemented on the community lever for their resilience? Thanks

Yves Barthelemy  06:26 AM 

Have a look at these blogs, they will show you some examples on how to engage with communities on this specific resilience issue

Cyrus Kiambati 06:24 AM 

I am not an expert in the hydrology field... I however happened to carry out an environmental assessment in for a road project in the Northern part of Kenya. From my observations, the project is deemed to fail as the hydrological pattern and characteristics of the area was never considered in the designs. The effects of this is currently being experienced by the host community.  What are your recommendations?

Webinar Attendee 06:28 AM 

I have a query sir. Can we develop a system which connects our police stations ( I am emphasising police stations because they are the most popular and common government offices which relates to common people.) and these disaster warning systems. Because It will be more effective especially in local areas for example high range areas. May be it help to save more people( here I am thinking about the 'Pettimudi' incident in kerala recently, where we were not able to save majority).

Good evening everyone. Maria Garcia de la Banda from Monash University, Australia.
From Webinar Attendee to Everyone:  05:38 AM
Dr Jisha from Delhi University here, good evening everyone!
From Joanna Batstone to Everyone:  05:39 AM
For those of you who have asked about our Monash work in Kerala, there is a great summary here -
From Danielle Alice Desanges Aucéane THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM to Everyone:  05:39 AM
Morning greetings from Cameroon.
We're frequently experiencing floods here. 
Hello everyone!, Its Aleena Bastin from International Centre for Free and Open Source Software , Kerala , India. Good evening!
From Dr. Arshad Khalafzai to Everyone:  05:44 AM
Vulnerability: Physical exposure to the hazard risk, sensitivity of the impacts, and adaptive capacity (both perceived and material), inlcuding coping capacity, or resilience of individuals. So, adaptive capacity indicates long-term capacity or resilience as opposed to coping capacity, which is short-term capacity to deal with a hazardous event.
Dr. Arshad Khalafzai, PhD (DRR, Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Development) from Canada-Pakistan)
From Me to Everyone:  05:49 AM
hello all from Washington dc region -interested in 5 dynamics of sustainability goals - 1 ie cooperation -cooperation dev goals needed if we are to humanize ai; 2 risk exponentials wherever biggest organisations fail to audit these;3 valuetrue  integration from bottom up the way engineers do but sadly English speaking law never has; 4 new universities where youth from all hemispheres and mother tongues and skin colors and sexes can mediate all of above faster than climate and other natural crises; 5 can we anchor transformations of every goal round goal 1 as centre of gravity  video replay soon on #aiforgood youtube and facebook

Join us this Thursday 15 October at 09:30 Geneva time for “ETRI’s AI for making a better tomorrow” Episode 2 – AI-based Language Learning Technology 

Join us Tuesday 20 October at 16:00 Geneva time for “AI Safety & Ethics for Self-Driving – Introducing The Molly Problem”
Join us Thursday 22 October at 11:00 Geneva time for the next in our Artistic Intelligence series “Human collaboration with an AI Musician” with Monash Data Futures Institute, Monash University 

From Chat and Q&A to Everyone:  06:34 AM
Join us for lots of other great webinars, Artistic Intelligence features, and more!  

we live in expert silo world where we needed expert connected world to serve last mile heroines - adapted paul farmer wish summit response t...